

My friend Bob. In his dreams.

Crosstown Bus

I took the crosstown bus in New York one day. It was always full of interesting characters. A friend photographed the ads at the top. They are all real.


A painting of my friend’s son, Arun.

Carl the Bartender

A friend of mine is a lawyer who always wanted to be a bartender. He never got the chance. I think this painting is as close as he got. The names on each of the bottle labels have stories that pertain to his wife and children.

Archangel – Clement Greenberg as Michael

In the 20th century, when multitudes paid homage to abstract art, (and still do), archangels were critics whose messages served to warn, interpret, and guide the true believers of the art world. This is one of a series of four archangel paintings. I read a lot of art...

Archangel – Hilton Kramer as Raphael

In the 20th century, when multitudes paid homage to art (and still do), archangels were critics whose messages served to warn, interpret and guide the true believers of the art world. Raphael (Hilton Kramer) healed blindness with the ashes of a dead fish and troubled...

Archangel – Robert Hughes as Uriel

In the 20th century, when multitudes paid homage to art (and still do), archangels were critics whose messages served to warn, interpret and guide the true believers of the art world. Uriel (Robert Hughes), the sharpest sighted spirit in all of Heaven, warned of...

Archangel – Tom Wolfe as Gabriel

In the 20th century, when multitudes paid homage to art (and still do), archangels were critics whose messages served to warn, interpret and guide the true believers of the art world. Gabriel (Tom Wolfe), identified by the Cabalists as “the man clothed in linen”,...

Hands on World

The daughter of a close friend of mine in Brooklyn, New York was the Head Mistress of a preschool called Hands on World. I painted some murals in the school.

St. Hubert

St. Hubert was the patron saint of the dog that we know today as the Basset Hound. I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for Basset Hounds. The person posing as St. Hubert here is actually Herb Hyman, who was friend of mine. The shoes were the actual shoes...